It’s easy to overlook many things when you make the decision to build your family home from scratch. They are things you’ve never had to think about before, and decisions you’ve never had to make. With experienced custom home builders West Vancouver, however, expert guidance and a skilled hand will make sure your project is as hassle-free and smooth as possible.
Don’t Underestimate a Good HVAC System
A good HVAC system that is proportionate to the size of your home is fundamental. A system too small won’t adequately heat up or cool down your entire home sufficiently, and one too big will needlessly make your HVAC bills skyrocket. Your custom home builders West Vancouver at Archia will help you make the right decision.
Consider the Bedroom Location
Your bedroom location is critical to the quality of sleep you get. If you place your bedroom too close to the main living areas your family hangs out at, you risk not being able to fall asleep. If you place it above the parking garage, if anyone comes home too late you will get woken up by the doors and home security system’s alarms, similar to early risers. It’s best to have your bedroom facing away from the side that faces traffic/the road.
Take Your Lifestyle into Account
You may have one lifestyle that suits you now, but in 5 or 10 years that may change completely. Look ahead and consider how your lifestyle may change. Will you grow your family or have family regularly visit? You’ll need some extra bedrooms. Will you adopt a pet? A backyard for fresh air and exercise, or a separate bedroom to make them feel comfortable will be ideal.
At Archia, our team is comprised of custom home builders West Vancouver that will help you along every step of the custom home building journey. Get in touch to learn about how we work, the services we offer, and to get started.